Family Protection Trust

Welcome to great, all-round protection for your savings and assets.

Your Will is the first key step, towards planning ahead successfully for later life.

It tells everyone how you want your money, your property and all your belongings to be shared when you pass away. With a Family Protection Trust, you can also make sure that what you want to happen, does happen.

Your Family Protection Trust works alongside your Will and provides complete protection for your assets, meaning you leave behind more for your loved ones. You are in control at all times. 

How your Family Protection Trust works

A Family Protection Trust is a legal contract, where one or more ‘Trustees’ are officially responsible for holding assets. You can include assets such as property, money and shares. These are placed in Trust, for the benefit of you and your beneficiaries. Along with other Trustees, you are also responsible for managing the Trust. Your Trust is a legal way to make certain that the wishes you have written into your Will are carried out. Because of that, your Trust provides a very effective way of protecting your assets for future generations.

You stay in control you simply place your assets in a Trust, and you are the main Trustee. It means you can carry on using your assets your home, your money, your investments­ just as you normally would.

With a Trust in place, your assets are protected and you’re in control

  • No need for Probate, for all assets held in the Trust.
  • Children always inherit at the right time.
  • Beneficiaries inherit quickly and hassle-free.
  • Avoid beneficiaries potential Inheritance Tax.

    Here’s how your Family  Protection Trust protects you

  • Probate Costs

  • When you pass away, the process of managing your estate to distribute any inheritance to your loved ones is known as Probate. This can take up to six to twelve months, or more. As well as being time consuming, Probate can be costly- typically 1-5% of the total value of your estate.


    With a Family Protection Trust:

    For any assets held within your Family Protection Trust, there is no Probate. This means that any inheritance can be passed to your loved ones exactly as you wish, usually within weeks, at no cost.


    Sideways  Disinheritance

    When the first partner in a marriage passes away, the surviving spouse receives the inheritance . If the surviving partner remarries then passes away before their new spouse, the estate could then be passed to them, leaving out any children or beneficiaries from the first marriage. This is known as Sideways Disinheritance and is usually unforeseeable.

  • With a Family Protection Trust:

    Having your assets held in a Family Protection Trust is a way to prevent this from happening. Your Trust ensures that your assets are protected and that your loved ones receive the full inheritance you wish them to have.

  • Children Inheriting at the Wrong Time

    Many families have children who are going through difficulties at the time they receive their inheritance. This could be anything from separation or divorce, addiction, or even gambling problems. So, it may not be in their best interests to receive their inheritance at this time, because it would be included in their assets.

    With a Family Protection Trust:

    A Trust can avoid this happening by allowing the assets to remain in the Trust, until the Trustees decide that the children or beneficiaries are in a better position to receive their inheritance.


    Children’s IHT (Inheritance Tax)

    Any inheritance you leave your loved ones will add to their own wealth and could push them into their own Inheritance Tax situation. They could have to pay 40% of any amount above 

current IHT thresholds £325,000 (RNRB £175,000 if property owned) if single or £650,000 (RNRB £350,000 if property owned) if married, tax year 2023/24).

With a Family Protection Trust:

If you leave the Inheritance to them in the Trust, it doesn’t form part of their estate, so you won’t be passing on an IHT problem. Your children can still spend the money or invest it within the Trust.

Claims against the Estate

Regardless of what you express in your Will, certain people can contest it.

With a Family Protection Trust:

Having a Trust in place, guarantees that what you have stated in your Will is what will happen.

To set up a Family Trust, you need to be of sound mind and have no foreseeable need for care.

It is crucial that a Trust is set up at the right time for the right reasons, for it to work.